A Comprehensive Guide to Keywords and Identifiers in C Programming

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to keywords and identifiers in C! You’re in the ideal place whether you’re new to programming or want to learn more about C. Any C program’s foundation is made up of keywords and identifiers, which also impact the program’s readability, functionality, and structure.

In the C programming language, keywords are predefined terms with particular meanings that are used for a variety of activities such function declarations, data types, and control flow. In contrast, identifiers are user-defined names assigned to variables, functions, and other program elements.

Understanding keywords and identifiers is essential for creating clean, efficient, and understandable code. So, let’s get started solving the secrets of keywords and identifiers in C programming!

Understanding Keywords

Keywords are special terms with predetermined meanings in the C programming language. The C compiler reserves certain terms for specific purposes, and they cannot be used as identifiers (like variable or function names) in your program.

Definition of Keywords in C

Keywords in C are words with predetermined meanings that serve specific functions. They are part of the language syntax and cannot be changed or used for other purposes in your program.

Commonly Used Keywords

  • int: Used to specify integer variables.
  • float: Used to define floating-point variables.
  • If : used for conditional statements.
  • else: Used with if to express alternative conditional expressions.
  • for: Used for  loop constructs.
  • while: For a different kind of loop construct.
  • return: The term for the values that functions return.
  • void: This indicates that a function does not return any value.

Importance of Keywords in Programming

Keywords are important in programming because they serve as the foundation for the development of algorithms and logic within a program. Keywords allow programmers to create variable types, regulate programme flow, and execute multiple operations. Understanding and appropriately applying keywords is critical for producing clear, efficient, and error-free C programmes. Furthermore, following the criteria associated with keywords guarantees that your code is valid and may be successfully compiled by the C compiler.

Exploring Identifiers

In C programming, identifiers are names given to various program elements such as variables, functions, arrays, etc. These names are used to uniquely identify these elements within the program. Understanding identifiers is crucial as they play a significant role in writing readable and maintainable code.

Definition of Identifiers in C

Identifiers can be defined as sequences of characters used to name variables, functions, arrays, and other user-defined items in a C program. These names are used to represent memory locations, values, or entities in the program.

Rules for Naming Identifiers

When naming identifiers in C, you need to follow certain rules to ensure clarity and correctness in your code:

  1. Valid Characters: Identifiers can consist of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), digits, and underscores. However, the first character must be a letter or an underscore.
  2. Length: Identifiers can be of any length, but only the first 31 characters are significant. That means only the first 31 characters are considered when differentiating between identifiers.
  3. Case Sensitivity: C is case-sensitive, so uppercase and lowercase letters are considered distinct. For example, “count” and “Count” would be treated as different identifiers.
  4. Reserved Keywords: Identifiers cannot be the same as C keywords (also known as reserved words), as these words have predefined meanings in the language. Attempting to use a reserved keyword as an identifier will result in a compilation error.
  5. Meaningful Names: It’s essential to choose meaningful and descriptive names for identifiers to enhance code readability and maintainability.

Examples of Valid and Invalid Identifiers

Valid Identifiers:
  • sum
  • totalCount
  • _value
  • test2
Invalid Identifiers:
  • 2test (Identifier cannot start with a digit)
  • count$ (Special characters like ‘$’ are not allowed)
  • while (Using a reserved keyword as an identifier)

Key Differences between Keywords and Identifiers

Key Differences between Keywords and Identifiers in C

Examples of the use of keywords and identifiers in C programming

Example 1: Using Keywords

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int num1 = 10;  // 'int' is a keyword defining a variable of integer type
    int num2 = 20;
    int sum;

    sum = num1 + num2;  // 'sum' is an identifier representing the sum of num1 and num2

    printf("Sum of %d and %d is: %d\n", num1, num2, sum);

    return 0;


  • In this example, int is a keyword used to define integer variables (num1, num2, sum).
  • num1, num2, and sum are identifiers representing the values of integers and their sum.
  • The printf function is a standard function defined in <stdio.h> header file. It’s another identifier.
Also Read: Learn the Basic with Simple C Programs

Example 2: Identifiers Naming Rules

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int total_students;  // 'total_students' is a valid identifier
    float avg_grade;
    int 2ndBatchStudents;  // Invalid identifier due to starting with a digit

    total_students = 50;
    avg_grade = 85.5;

    printf("Total students: %d\n", total_students);
    printf("Average grade: %.2f\n", avg_grade);

    return 0;


  • Identifiers like total_students and avg_grade follow the naming rules, starting with a letter and can include letters, digits, and underscores.
  • 2ndBatchStudents is invalid because it starts with a digit, which is not allowed.

Example 3: Using Keywords in Control Structures

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int num = 15;

    if (num > 10) {  // 'if' is a keyword used in control structures
        printf("%d is greater than 10\n", num);
    } else {
        printf("%d is not greater than 10\n", num);

    return 0;


  • The if and else are keywords used in control structures to make decisions based on conditions.
  • Here, the program checks if the value of num is greater than 10 and prints the corresponding message.